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Due to the military aggression of Mordor against Ukraine, the website information is temporarily not updated, we apologize. Glory to Ukraine!
U restaurant about u

U restaurant about u - a restaurant of modern Ukrainian cuisine in the center of Odessa. Traditions in modern times are not a fashionable trend, it is a necessity of our era. Times change, and the roots remain forever. That is why the creators of U restaurant decided to create a place that will embody Ukrainian history in modern dishes of classic Ukrainian cuisine. And, believe me, this is not only beautiful, but also amazingly delicious!

Ratings of visitors: 4.83 6

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Ukrainian 300 – 600 ₴ MasterCard Visa
Odesa, Center st. Gretsʹka, 1a +38073 333 7327 Mo–Su 09:00 - 23:00



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