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Wood Luxury
Wood Luxury | Cafe Restaurant
Closed finally

Open-air café «Wood Luxury» - this is a real area of comfort. And it's not loud Claim words. It has everything to each of the guests could experience the beauty of the moment which, once exclaimed unrivaled Doctor Faust. Cafe interior conveys all the geometric elegance of wood, and with it brings much-needed feeling of peace and lightheartedness. But most importantly, that «Wood Luxury» delicious. And do not forget the beauty of the coastal sunrises and sunsets!

Ratings of visitors: 4.43 7

(voted: 2)
(voted: 3)
(voted: 2)
European, Exclusive, Fish Appetizers, Brazier menu, Grill-menu, Salads, Sandwiches, Steaks 300 – 600 ₴
CLOSED! Odesa, Center Shampanskyi Provulok, Dolphin beach 3 +38048 7367695 Mo–Su 00:00 - 24:00 100 - banquet



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