Due to the military aggression of Mordor against Ukraine, the website information is temporarily not updated, we apologize. Glory to Ukraine!

Va Bene bistro
The Italian restaurant VaBene bistro is located in the center of the capital, next to the National Opera of Ukraine, at the Leonardo Business Center. The admirers of Italian delicacies will find here the most amazing gastronomic incarnation. Taste these authentic Italian dishes from the Italian chef who will take you along the coast of Sicily or to the valley of Tuscany without any problems!
Kyiv, Center
19-21 B. Hmelʹnitsʹkogo str. BTS "Lyeonardo"
+38044 377 7565
+38067 480 6161
Zoloti Vorota (Golden Gate), Teatralna, Universytet
Mo–Fr 10:00 - 24:00, Sa–Su 12:00 - 24:00
halls - 2; VIP-halls - 1
70 - banquet / 150 - buffet table
Main hall —
80 seats
VIP hall —
10 seats