Due to the military aggression of Mordor against Ukraine, the website information is temporarily not updated, we apologize. Glory to Ukraine!


Restaurant «Sutra» - one of the best Indian cuisine restaurants in Kiev. Everything is real - from the carved marble panels to spices, from mild to massive chairs of classic Indian cuisine. Indian master carvers told in stone, which finished walls, legends and myths of the country. Confidential business dinner, a big banquet or a relaxing holiday with a cup of Indian tea - choose your option and take a dip in the eastern tale, created by the restaurant.
Dishes for vegetarians, Tea list
300 – 600 ₴
Kyiv, Peremogy sq. - Shulyavka
3 Galiny Tymofeyevoyi st.
+38044 569-37-66
+38063 077-99-99
+38097 077-99-99
Politekhnichnyj Institut
Mo–Su 17:00 - 23:30
- Booking tables
- Delivery of dishes - Free home delivery
- Lounge
- Parking
- VIP-hall
- WiFi