Due to the military aggression of Mordor against Ukraine, the website information is temporarily not updated, we apologize. Glory to Ukraine!

Pesce la Forno
Closed finally
"Pesce la Forno" - fish Italian restaurant of famous Ukrainian restaurateur Savely Libkin. In the menu - available to the Black Sea (and not only) fresh fish. Sea bass, fillet of flounder, mullet, gobies, mussels. River trout and perch, imported swordfish and octopus together with the Black Sea in the company of fellow vegetables prepared exclusively in the oven. The interior of marble, a little copper and antique head.
Kyiv, Podil
str. Sagaydachnogo 23a
+38067 518 4364
Poshtova Ploscha, Contractova Ploshcha
Mo–Sa 11:00 - 24:00
- Booking tables
- Breakfast
- Opened kitchen
- Summer area
- Take away meals
- WiFi
- Wood-burning stove