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Gastrofamily Food Market

Gastrofamily Food Market is a food market from the Dmytro Borisov Family of Restaurants. Delicious food and drinks of all possible gastronomic destinations, delicacies, democratic prices, 3-minute ordering and neon parties. Restaurant brands known to many Kyivans are gathered under one roof: Bilyi Nalyv, BPSH, DOGZ&BURGERZ, Mushlya, PINZARELLA, Oxota na Ovets, Shish kebabs, wine and friends. Gastrofamily Food Market is a whole gastronomic world under one roof.

Ratings of visitors: 4.69 13

(voted: 5)
(voted: 4)
(voted: 4)
Asiatic, European, Georgian Appetizers, Bowls, Brazier menu, Burgers, Cocktail menu, Dishes for vegans, Oysters, Pizza, Seafood, Sushi menu 150 – 300 ₴ MasterCard Visa


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