"Lean menu for the best friends" in "MIMINO"
The chief of restaurant "MIMINO" to the lent prepared the special "Lean menu for the best friends". ...
[ Kyiv, Restaurant Mimino / 11.03.2009 ]
The chief of restaurant "MIMINO" to the lent prepared the special "Lean menu for the best friends". ...
[ Kyiv, Restaurant Mimino / 11.03.2009 ]
Except for pizza in "Papa-pizza" they are able to prepare delicious pancakes also, that anybody can verify independently on Maslenica's week (February 22 - 28). ...
[ Kyiv, 23.02.2009 ]
Final results of our Best restaurant of Kyiv ranking for 2008 looks so: ...
[ Kyiv, 19.02.2009 ]
Another autumn meeting of TUCC (on 31 November 2008) was held at the Mediterranean Cuisine Restaurant L'Accente which impressed guests with combination of an unbelievably luxury interior and, at the same time, an unexpectedly cozy atmosphere. ...
[ Kyiv, 25.12.2008 ]
The restaurant of "L'AMOUR" invites to taste novelties of chief: hot salad Versal and salad with mushrooms, polenta Shampan, salmon Randevu, fois-gras , cannelloni, turkey fricassee. ...
[ Kyiv, Restaurant L'amour / 22.12.2008 ]
Since 2008 portal LASOON conducts annual surveys in order to make rating of "Best Restaurants" among foodservice institutions of Kiev! Voting has two stages. ...
[ Kyiv, 22.12.2008 ]
The excellent start of supper or lunch is lettuce "Californian" from a pepper, red bow and olives with added to balsamic sauce, and pork with vegetables and shrimps will become his deserving continuation. ...
[ Kyiv, Restaurant Mexican grill&tequila bar Tequila House / 10.10.2008 ]
Restaurant Buddha-bar is one of cults places of the modern world. As they say, visiting Buddha-bar can be compared with visiting a SPA resort. This is how powerful its positive energy. Immerse into a world of refined pleasures and enjoy the careless relaxing atmosphere – these are just few reasons to visit Buddha-bar at least once and come back again. ...
[ Kyiv, Restaurant Buddha-bar / 11.07.2008 ]
The summer kaleidoscope of dishes began - in this period many noteworthy garden trucks give an occasion restaurants to bring in updates in the special menus. To beginning of summer the mexican restaurant "Tequila Hause" prepared such seasonal suggestion: ...
[ Kyiv, Restaurant Mexican grill&tequila bar Tequila House / 20.06.2008 ]
On May 22 the Connoisseurs visited an out of the city restaurant Kpechesky Dvor (26 km of Stolychny Shosse). They expected the evening to be good, but it turned out almost excellent and the family of 5-star TUCC restaurants now welcomes one more member! ...
[ Kyiv, Out-оf-town restaurant Kupetskyi Dvir / 27.05.2008 ]
Restaurant Soho invites you 23rd of May to their event: live performance of Alex Kozlov within the project «Music in the style of SOHO». ...
[ Kyiv, 23.05.2008 ]
On April 20, for the first time in the history of the Club, the Connoisseurs visited the best steakhouse in Kyiv – The Soho Restaurant (82, Artema St.). They expected the evening to be good, but it turned out almost excellent and the family of 5-star TUCC restaurants now welcomes one more member! ...
[ Kyiv, 24.04.2008 ]
You will pay attention on "Mushroom juliene in potato" - potato shells stuffed with mushrooms, onions and greens, baked under mushrooms sauce, and also: ...
[ Kyiv, Restaurant Mexican grill&tequila bar Tequila House / 20.03.2008 ]
We recommend to taste the delicate filet of black cod, baked with onion in the paste "Filo", and also... ...
[ Kyiv, 21.02.2008 ]
The regular meeting of Connoisseur Club took place on December, 15. Connoisseurs went to the Noble restaurant for the second time to check if the restaurant is still as good as three years ago, when it received 4.8 and became a TUCC five-star restaurant. It was an event in December, therefore, besides appraising the restaurant, the Club also celebrated Christmas. ...
[ Kyiv, 19.12.2007 ]