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Due to the temporary lack of control over this territory of the Ukrainian jurisdiction, information in this city (region) has not been checked since the spring of 2014

Rating of attention *

23.02.2025 00:48
Categories of establishments
It. 101–120 (from 220)
Pages: 4 5 6 7 8
101 (102) Red Line Nightclub 12618   
102 (103) Forest Restaurant 12610  ↓2 
103 (104) Gung'u'bazz Bar 12594  ↑2 
104 (105) Belaia Loshad' Restaurant 12587  ↓1 
105 (106) Hameleon Nightclub 12586  ↑5 
106 (107) Dom sinoptikov Restaurant 12573   
107 (108) Begemot Cafe 12572  ↓3 
108 (109) Sibarit Restaurant 12566  ↑1 
109 (110) Sagittaire Restaurant 12562  ↓2 
110 (111) Ostrov sokrovishch Restaurant 12555  ↓2 
111 (112) Shakherezada Cafe 12554   
112 (113) Golden lion Pub or beer house 12538   
113 (114) Shtab-bar Bar 12527  ↑2 
114 (115) Sakura Sushi-bar 12521   
115 (116) Burzhui Restaurant 12512  ↓2 
116 (117) Pit Line Cafe 12497  ↑1 
117 (118) Hollywood Nightclub 12493  ↑1 
118 (119) Bagration Restaurant 12490  ↑2 
119 (120) Pasta Project Restaurant 12489   
120 (121) Lobby Lounge Bar 12475  ↑4 
It. 101–120 (from 220)
Pages: 4 5 6 7 8
* Our site maintains a rating based on statistics on opening pages of restaurant brands and the use of their services.
The rating is automatically updated weekly and contains the value in conditional points, as well as information about the change in brand position since the previous recount. In brackets indicate the absolute rating system!
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