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Due to the temporary lack of control over this territory of the Ukrainian jurisdiction, information in this city (region) has not been checked since the spring of 2014

Rating of attention *

23.02.2025 00:48
Categories of establishments
It. 181–200 (from 220)
Pages: 7 8 9 10 11
181 (183) Flat Cafe 12015  ↑3 
182 (184) Cadillac Cafe 12012  ↓2 
183 (185) Bekir Coffee-house 12008   
184 (186) Fan Cafe Cafe 12008  ↑1 
185 (187) Korsar Restaurant 11998  ↓3 
186 (188) Bruderschaft Restaurant 11962   
187 (189) Victoria Restaurant 11938   
188 (190) Roksolana Cafe 11904   
189 (191) Dobryi shubin Pub or beer house 11903   
190 (192) Tihij uzhas Restaurant 11877   
191 (193) Dezhaviu Restaurant 11873   
192 (194) Okolica Restaurant 11870   
193 (195) Merilin Cafe 11862  ↑1 
194 (196) Cheeze & Co Pizzeria 11861  ↓1 
195 (197) Zlata Praha Restaurant 11848  ↑3 
196 (198) Virus Restaurant 11844  ↑3 
197 (199) Tortuga Restaurant 11838  ↓2 
198 (200) Ganka Cafe 11836  ↓2 
199 (201) Khutorok Cafe 11830  ↓2 
200 (202) Coffe VIP Coffee-house 11824   
It. 181–200 (from 220)
Pages: 7 8 9 10 11
* Our site maintains a rating based on statistics on opening pages of restaurant brands and the use of their services.
The rating is automatically updated weekly and contains the value in conditional points, as well as information about the change in brand position since the previous recount. In brackets indicate the absolute rating system!
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