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Due to the military aggression of Mordor against Ukraine, the website information is temporarily not updated, we apologize. Glory to Ukraine!

Patisseries Dnipro

It. 1–3 (from 3)


Confectionery Bakery

#4 place at rating of attention
St. Svyatoslava Khorobroho, 16 (Dnipro, Center (TSUM))
Mo–Su 08:00 - 20:00 150 – 300 ₴ 066 643 8143  

Lvivs'ky plyatsky

City bakery Syrnik and strudel

#32 place at rating of attention
Blvd. Yevropeyskyy, 2 (Dnipro, Center (TSUM))
Mo–Su 08:00 - 22:00 150 – 300 ₴ 099 971 7222  

Lviv's chocolate shop

Chocolate Boutique

#63 place at rating of attention
55 Dmytra Yavornytskoho Ave. (Dnipro, Centr)
Mo–Su 10:00 - 22:00 150 – 300 ₴ 067 544 4446  
It. 1–3 (from 3)
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