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Kalinkin | Banquet hall Restaurant Karaoke сlub

If we want to relax, then we often relocate outside the city. But we don't want to lose the amenities. In such cases, the restaurant "Kalinkin" - the perfect place. Prices are quite reasonable, in the morning, you can grab a coffee and a sandwich with cheese, salmon, ham, or order pancakes, julienne, dumplings. For lunch served soup or nourishing soup, and dinner drink beer and eat steak or barbecue. For fans of Italy - pasta and desserts.

Ratings of visitors: 5 3

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European, Ukrainian <150 ₴
Kyiv, Okruzhna Sadovaya street 12V +38067 4906999 (restaurant) Mo–Su 12:00 - 24:00 80 - banquet / 120 - buffet table


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