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Dobri ludy | Art-restaurant

The restaurant "Dobri ludy" (the second name - "The Forge Good") are used exclusively natural ingredients of better quality that will amaze even the worldly-wise customer. Here perfect innings menus and excellent interior that perfectly matched to provide guests with an atmosphere of calm and comfort. Because of this time spent in an institution like probably many and well-trained staff will help with the choice of the order and will give you only positive emotions.

Ratings of visitors: 5 10

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(voted: 4)
Ukrainian ancient 300 – 600 ₴
Kyiv, Osokorky - Poznyaky - Kharkivs'kyi Chavdar str. 11 +38093 4746515 Osokorki, Poznyaky Mo–Su 08:00 - 22:00


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