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Asteri | Hotel&Restaurant

Restaurant "Asteri" is located on the 11th floor of the hotel of the same name at the Pechersk hills. The restaurant has a terrace, overgrown with greenery, which offers a magnificent view of the city center. What could be more romantic and beautiful than to meet here for the sunset, which is replaced by thousands of lights night Kiev? The democratic bill, delicious and refreshing drinks, professional service, and a truly incredible view of the metropolitan landscape.

Ratings of visitors: 4.33 3

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European, Fish, Italian, Ukrainian Appetizers, Beer, Tea list 300 – 600 ₴
Kyiv, Pechers'k - Klov Str. Leskova 4 +38044 3001060 (restoran) +38063 1245159 (administrator) Pechers'ka Fr–Su 07:30 - 23:00 100 - banquet / 150 - buffet table


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